Friday, February 22, 2008

The taste of Ipecac and the expectations thereafter (Take two doses and sleep on it)

Take up for her taking you apart
Losing essential pieces for just a taste of peace
Oh i meant for a taste of her piece
Enough of the not so well hidden sexual innuendo
Oh how it feels so cold outside your window
It seems she only knows about slitting hearts and breaking wrists
A killer so beautiful not even convicted
She caused my (life)sentence to turn to (dead) fragments
Cheap disregard for such hard to keep policies
It should be a sin for such a cancer to spread
To me and you and everyone else
I can only curse the glasses she drinks from
The backwash I have learned to take for the truth
Oh man and when you think you know
You really don't
Don't believe the lies, I just won't
Don't listen to her love, I hate it
Don't accept her, rejections proves positive
And one more thing, I can't believe I'm you

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