Saturday, April 5, 2008

There's nothing holy about this ghost

I feel like a walking suicide
I can't count the number of times
I said this was over
I'm leaving
but I'm still here
fucking miserable as ever
but I just can't call it quits
I can't cut myself from the team
the team that is this shithole called
the world
even tho I'm losing friends daily
there's no one left anymore
it's wierd to think
the people who do still talk to me
are pretty much talking to a ghost
I'm dead on the inside
I'm the reverse ghost
no soul, just a body
a zombie
I've been going like this forever now
It's deja vu
It's voodoo
It's the absence of you
and you're gone
so I'm shit out of luck
but I'll keep writing
letter from a ghost town
I miss you

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