Saturday, April 19, 2008

A lesson in learning (Today we learn the truth about girls)

I'm starting to notice
that every girl is the exact same
kind of problem
that I will never be able to solve
and I don't care to
cuz they're always bitching at me
and I don't do shit until then
Wanna scream at me
bout some bullshit reason
that you can't see me
and I know you're trying
to bullshit your way
through the day
say the same old lines
about how you're so
tired of guys
but you're a little slut
fucking them all
you say it's just sex
but that's why you hate guys
cuz that's all they want
but that's all you'll give them
you're a bitch, it's a fact
and Webster should've known
when he wrote that definition
cuz if i could go back in time
I'd give him your picture to put along side the words
but it's nothing, you're so much worse
bitch just doesn't begin to cover it
and I think even Hitler would've hidden
under his desk and started praying
and all of this shit i'm saying i swear to God it's true
so let me look at you and the way you do
make out with all my friends
and then tell them i've been talking shit
now i'm getting messages from them
saying that today i'm gonna get hit
and i didn't even say any of that shit
a good blowjob is your way in and out of everything
you might as well fuck 5 guys at once
cuz that's the kind of slut you, the worst by far
and all of those guys i once thought were friends
they believe that your nookie's a fortune cookie
and they just won't listen to me anymore
they've got a case of a parasitic whore
latched to their dicks, turning tricks
it's not just for kids
and you've made sure
that i'm nothing anymore
this town already hated me
now that you've started this
they want me dead
and tonight i think they plan on
putting a few bullets in my head
da da da da dee dee da
la da ta da da lee dee doo da
that's the thing i should've said
you wouldn't understand but
it's all i seem to think about when i see you
an agressive techno inspired murder
where the shotgun blasts to the beat
tonight was made for fighting
and your hair looks so inviting
i might just pull it all out
your fake ass extensions
are no extension of who you are
and if they are, they must be bitch like you
cuz now that i don't care, i can swear
testify to the courtroom
that I am glad I never kissed those lips
I'd be hooked, worse than crack or cocaine
you go past the nose bleed
make my brain shut off at random times
I need my mind for these kinds of rhymes
I'd be sitting in a bathroom
smoking you, later on cutting my wrists
banging the walls with my fists
turn a deeper blue, a purple mix in hue
nothing about you is original
and i could say the same for myself
the product of everyone('s favorite failue)
so shake your hips like this is so disco
and bang bang your hips to the side
like this is a wild west horse ride
your guns are no match for my words
I'm really (not so) sorry if what i'm saying hurts
because I know that feeling
Saturday night my confident skin was peeling
you burnt me so bad
and I never got a tan
not to mention I've lost my upperhand
to think we never even had a one night stand
not even there for a minute
maybe over the phone, my second home
you lied to me, it's where my heart is
maybe it's disfunctional, but who cares
and now I just wanna damages your stares
make me something I never wanted to be
but now this is over, and be glad you'll never know her
girls like you are the reason for guys like me
and in closing, I would just like to say
that you'll never be on any of my thanks list any day
and in my words in the future, I'll just replace your name
your movie will have big name actress who could care less
it's just a paycheck, you were just a raincheck
and it's only sunny here so that means

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