Friday, June 27, 2008

goddamn grindcore kids (since when did Satan become so stylish)

We have to start something new
it has to be done today
no better time, tomorrow will only let you down
so right now, the only thing you should put off
is your procrastination, don't let it hold you back
you lay in bed like it's some kind of shelter
but the only thing that's bombing here is you
wasting away like a rotting corpse
well i wont let you feed on my time anymore

raise up from your grave
devour the life thats left inside
harvest this occasion
you say theres nothing to believe in
well, thats just a lie

you say theres nothing to die for
you think that its just that
our body will only rot
there is no soul inside

you are misguided
pick up faith at the nearest entrance
you've missed something my friend
something that could cost your life

christianity is NOT the only religion
but please pick something now
believe in something atleast
start your worship today

you think that atheism or satanism is cool
but you're dealing with something you dont want
and if you say you do
well wait til late tonight when the demons come to knock

i'll paint a blood red picture for you right now
the flesh will rip from the skin
and it's your fault cuz you let them in
your life will become service out of circumstance
he has you on his finger, a special place in hell
without the flames and screaming
but a place of your own despair

reach out now!
i am all that is now
surrender your soul!
he is behind you
give up your pride!
you are only stubborn
and if Satan is what you truly seek!
then let this be!!!

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