Friday, June 27, 2008

goddamn grindcore kids (since when did Satan become so stylish)

We have to start something new
it has to be done today
no better time, tomorrow will only let you down
so right now, the only thing you should put off
is your procrastination, don't let it hold you back
you lay in bed like it's some kind of shelter
but the only thing that's bombing here is you
wasting away like a rotting corpse
well i wont let you feed on my time anymore

raise up from your grave
devour the life thats left inside
harvest this occasion
you say theres nothing to believe in
well, thats just a lie

you say theres nothing to die for
you think that its just that
our body will only rot
there is no soul inside

you are misguided
pick up faith at the nearest entrance
you've missed something my friend
something that could cost your life

christianity is NOT the only religion
but please pick something now
believe in something atleast
start your worship today

you think that atheism or satanism is cool
but you're dealing with something you dont want
and if you say you do
well wait til late tonight when the demons come to knock

i'll paint a blood red picture for you right now
the flesh will rip from the skin
and it's your fault cuz you let them in
your life will become service out of circumstance
he has you on his finger, a special place in hell
without the flames and screaming
but a place of your own despair

reach out now!
i am all that is now
surrender your soul!
he is behind you
give up your pride!
you are only stubborn
and if Satan is what you truly seek!
then let this be!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i said i'd never do a country song, but then again i never thought i'd love you

You got this whole thing for southern accents
and your tan lines are on my mind most nights spent
thinking of how i'm gonna make my next move
cuz after a while i know that my words won't be as smooth
calculating and debating everything you've said
well every word you've spoke i swear somewhere i've read
you're about as unoriginal as knock off brand coke
and i know you've been doing it in thin ropes
across the bathroom sink, your favorite place for nosebleeds
i wanna be like the tissue you to wipe it off, or atleast that's what i think
your brand new diet consists of living off of cigs, coke, and cheerios
but i think there's more to this than treating this all like its a joke
your friends think it's cool to sniff a few lines
well i think it's cooler if you've been listening to mine
baby, i'm trying to take you somewhere
not the bed, but the place where the music's stored in your head
i wanna be the favorite song you'll always come back to
even when you're pissed off or you're feeling blue
i wanna make sure i can always be the cure for you
the cancer doesn't stand a chance by the time i'm through
the thoughts that coagulate like dried blood under your nose
and baby i just want you to know that you're so beautiful
i've got something for you love that the drugs don't
i've got open arms, a big kiss, a blanket and most of all a soul
cuz when the cocaine and cigarettes run out on you
when getting high is the only thing you can do
well, i think you should know, that i'm here for you
put down those drugs, baby i've got alot of hugs
cuz baby you've got your booze and flaws
and in my mind i'm hearing the oohs and ahs
but i think you should just stop
you're fooling yourself, you're too pretty
to be influenced by this shitty city
don't let them tell you what is cool
look at them, they're the biggest fools
nothing but drama and a long list of pointless lovers
baby, you mean so much under my covers
so just take a shower for an hour, clean yourself off
throw away the cocaine and the cigs and the booze too
baby girl, i love you and everything you do
and whoever told you that one lie, well that was false
but this is true

If diamonds weren't a girl's best friend, she wouldn't have one

The way the reservations have been made
is just a damn sure way of saying i'm getting.....paid?
the way you've been all over me all night
is whispering that tonight, we just might
we might be able to heal each other's scars
our battle wounds from other lovers before us
and there's reason to cry hunny, because i'm here now
and if that doesn't mean a thing to you
then why are you still standing in the door way
like a beautiful goddess who could strike me dead
at any given moment, at any poorly thought out glance
like some awkward kid that comes closer to being like me
and i'm letting you know now that i'm not gonna quit
this means war, this means anything goes
i'll watch the way they place my food on the table
and make sure your hand never wanders to far
never gets too close to the plate, never to close to my heart
the way i'm like your disposable lover, throw me away tomorrow
i'm only good for getting the information
you're like a sex spy with your stealthy one liners
and damn girl, i haven't seen any finer
i love the way you always say that there's just no chemistry
when every night there's gotta be something going on
or coming off, she's always the one to get undressed first
and i don't know if that makes this whole thing better or worse
she could totally be falling in love with me and wanting me
letting me see her other world, her quiet place
or she could be just another whore, i'm her favorite bore
the way to relieve stress is to take it out when she's out of her dress
i'm just sitting here an hour later, on the edge of the bed majorly depressed
and it's really nothing new, and there's nothing she can do
but i just want something in my life that's so sure and so true
it must be something that no one can take, that no one could break
something that i could easily just hold inside, a girl i can hold tonight
but that's all just wishes and pleas, and itches like fleas
so tonight let's share our secrets with the sheets
every inch of you under inch of me
this isn't one of those dirty jokes
it's you and me, fulfilling all of our hidden hopes
and after all of this, the sun will rise
and all of our words and actions
will be painted on the sky
will we keep on living like this love
or in about a week, will we just die?
another girl, another curse
another reason for another verse
but all i can say now
as i kick off my shoes is that
this could be so much worse
and now that this is over
and we're last week
let's go back to our own beds
filter thoughts from our heads
and put this story to rest
just like all of the rest
between you and me
i just hope you see
that i could be all you need
but when it gets way too late
there's no second date
i'm first class, first rate baby
i know you won't cry
i was just the next best thing

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the war is forever (we are taking sides at this time)

I'm dissecting a kid right from the scene
picking apart his every mistake
he calls them words, cool words
i call him a cab crash
going everywhere, gone nowhere
really stalled on E with fuel but lost in his head
the world just flipped into oblivion
and he's dreaming of that one girl, two girls, three
they think these boys care
but they're just babies in the mosh pit
strung out on weekends on the living room floor
high and drunk and dead to the world
but the cameras taking myspace pics
and its sooo cool to be a model of indifference right now
drunk and asleep and your friends think you're god
but you aren't even a prince my friend
light weight little son of a bitch
had a few beers and you think you're cool
i'm not straight edge, but i'm hanging on the cliff
pushing labels on your fellow humans like they are food
hanging carcasses in a meat shop, well thats not too far from the truh
but just fall into a surprise, fuck labels man
just taste it and if you don't like it, stay away and sleep on
but you're no better by saying the scene owns you
and kicking back to a few buds and beers
this is NOT the way to get friends

if it doesn't make sense, chances are you don't matter

Another fasion just short of failure
and it's passing like a disease that everyone wants
and i'm just the number she deleted from her phone
i'm the incomplete attempt at conforming
i am a modern day massacre known as acceptance
the peer pressure is thick in this room
gather around the stage and tick tock, your head like a clock
keeping up with the rhythm of the drummers soul
as his sticks hit his publicly displayed organs
everything we are breathing is the product
of inhales exhaled at the exact moment we inhale exhales
the description can only be explained as air
and we're living off the wasted breaths of all of our brethren
whether they reject us or not, we are them, they are us
and we have all just been fighting over molecules
everybody will get their fair share
you can keep complaining but the dance is going stale
windmill away at the ground and give it the 1 2 kick!
i like the way she karate chops my gut before she makes love to me

this is for the hopeless romantics and the mad scientists alike

Take if off, put the blame on me
One last taste of your biggest regret
face your mistakes head on, sleep with them for a night
wake up the next morning and look in disgust
my naked body proving you(r) wrong
you said i was everything you hated
but i am everything you said you loved last night
whisper another lie about how we are perfect together
like a sore thumb on a broken foot
pepper in the wound, sneezing the salt
the sunset showing through the ruined skyscrapers
last night i saw my city reduced to ashes
this collection of chaotic crashes become cloverfield
the call over for the comeback, the invite for one more night
show me the way to the bed, show me the way around the inside of your head
and let me figure out what it means to be in love
the mathematics behind lying to you
the way to steal your heart and keep it in a cage
and you love every minute of it
and its so fucking crazy when we're lying together
something about this fake fucking i love you feels real
hypothetically hypocritical hyperactive hygiene
the next best thing to hit the scene
well breakdown

Monday, June 2, 2008

exaggerate our memories for an hour or two

The sun sets with the sky still hooked
and regrets are clouding over
the rain hits the desert land
and i am wishing i was holding your hand
i saw you smile like an open door
my invitation for a dance, even a kiss or two
the way you feel in my arms is the way
heaven would feel in your hands
but it's hell on my arm to write about you
each and every night before i fall asleep
and my dreams become your home
the place where you are free to roam
the sounds of sleep are science to my ears
and my eyes are moving to the beats
a disco behind closed eyes and open arms
and dancing to the sound of sirens and fire alarms
and we are entangled like twisted skin sweetheart
on this couch and we can't be torn apart

we are the gossip committee, leave the truth at the door

For every new girl, there's another fake smile
Each and every week, there's a new style
I can't keep this up, I think i'm gonna be sick
I can't forget her, without her this doesn't mean shit
it's just another car on the road, no trip in store
running on the edge of the beach, fall into the shore
her skin dripping wet with small drips of her regret
and i'm dying in the sun to just forget
but my memory is so much sharper than i thought
and what's in store for me can not be bought
we're all saving our breaths like we're holding our fire
the lungs and guns drawn to the ground
she's so beautiful, she is the image and i am the sound
at the top of my lungs i will whisper her name
and in my slightest of hope, she will do the same

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Turning on me vs. Turning you on

Crashing again like it always does
Nothing good can happen
I walked into this thing
The glass is half empty and i'm just a fool
but you showed me it was filled to the top
now its at a dead end, letting it drop
I'm trying to pick up all the pieces
without cutting any skin
This is the kind of fuck up
that i'm getting again
My heart is a mistake
and it turns into an achievement
with each break
you're doing the whole world a favor
I am the cancer you are the cure
and tonight you have stopped me
you have made the world pure

habitual obituary

I've opened myself right in front of you
I have tried to tell you over and over again
but you just can't believe a word of it
so i'll save my precious breath
and believe every word of yours
I am a complete waste of life
I am nothing more than a pile of shit
I am a cancer, a disease, an infection, a plague
I am nothing more than a trendfollower
I am only trying to be cool
all of this begins to enter my body, heart, mind, soul
the negativity sets in, now i will tear myself apart
with both hands, for better or worse
this isn't a wedding, it's more like a funeral
only everyone is smiling
consequences are like an anchor around my heart
void all happiness inside, i have been brought back down
the angel has lost its wings, and the gates have been shut
the only place to rest now is the grave
they dig deep holes for heavy hearts
it's time to sink or save myself trying