Friday, May 16, 2008

a modern day crusade; the peace raid

The end is all a representation
of how you thought this thing out
the way you acted projected your future
like hope on a big screen TV
your chance to bring fame into your sight
was shot out like your eye with a BB gun
and now you feel deceived and i don't feel believed
and shotguns in the hands of the townspeople
shooting anyone they don't like
trying to slap a label on the bypassers
and quarantine the city
the outsiders are being locked in
and they're locking and loading the guns
and putting salvation into the minds of many
this is the righteous thing in God's shame
oh the morbid malice of men who couldn't get it right
they're not saviors but only taking it too literal
page by page there's an inside joke
and on the last one there's your name
but this doesn't mean i won't take you seriously
it's a promise i just can't keep is all it means

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