Wednesday, May 28, 2008

a word if you're wise

You think that you're so great
but you're not known in every state
well why don't you travel?
you think so highly of yourself
but you're no tornado
cuz you don't even ever touch the ground.
well why don't you come down?
your head is feeling dizzy
but do you even miss me?
you've got quite an addiction
for being my affliction
is this infection?
putting words on repeat
may never mean the same thing twice
try true forgiveness.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

a starbucks serenade

Another day of waking up
another shot of no sleep
drinking it straight from my favorite coffee cup
thinking about the night before
long before she was lore
in another picture looking pretty
leaving me on my bedroom floor feeling pretty shitty
fell asleep last night
told her i would hold her tight
tried to make her smile herself to sleep
but there's more on her mind than counting sheep
sneaking out of my window
tried to slip it off, but she slipped out
she drove over to his place
watch his hands run through her face
this was once my favorite place
now i feel a total disgrace
angels sometimes lose their halos
sometime they even fall from heaven
i'm just counting all my held breaths
trying to make it past seven
heartbreak is the lastest trend
she's getting a nine out of ten
the only point she's lacking is
she's losing all of her friends
true heartbreakers stick together
she once wrote best friends forever
even got it tattooed on her back
now best friends is what she lacks
and i almost feel sorry
her pretty eyes shine so starry
but now the sun is coming up
time to pour another cup

Friday, May 16, 2008

after sucking 37 dicks, you should know which one's your favorite

You're using excuses like they're a crutch
but when it comes to talking shit, you do too much
try to turn the city against me and see what that does
i bet you can't even try it, you'll get the fuzz
cops in their cars turning on their noise
i bet blue balls would be better than the blue boys
you're cut off like water past over due
if you want hell, i'll get you tickets for two
i usually don't rhyme, but i figure i would
it ain't a crime, it's just nothing you should
worry about people in this tiny little place
filled with millions of people trying to save face
set our your kitchenware boy say your grace
lie in the backseat, she's covered in lace
liars on fire, but angels so wet
i bet millions of dollars, that's not what you get
seems now it's over, i got it all wrong
she's all talk no action in her little blue thong
bending over hoping you'll catch a glance
she's making damn sure those ass cheeks can dance
smile ear to ear, scream lung to lung
dying to be just one of the unstung
the guns start shooting and she's running out the back
but by the time she gets to the door, it's already on track
a new pair of cuffs, and a brand new excuse
the offer she's making they almost cannot refuse
but in the end they see she's a big flirt
and becuz of her infidelity millions are hurt
say what you must, say what you will
in the end she thanks God for inventing the pill

everything is bigger in Texas (maybe i should move there)

I've been sitting here wide awake
thinking of making another mistake
i won't give this town another break
bury the truth or let em drag the lake
bodies of old friends becoming new foes
these zombies walk the city
and the death in them shows
swingin their fists like angry slaves
hooked up clones tryin to escape their chains
droids on the warfields healin the wounds
the fallen soldiers peelin their bruise
dying inside while the mind's on autopilot
and the organs are about to start a riot
the heart attacks the spine in your back
give your ribs room the lungs need slack
die a new death before the morning
if you make it past the burning building
smoke in your eyes clogging your sight
and if things aren't so simple, die tonight
they say they created me but i hate it
this won't be how this city runs itself
the kids that think they know so much
have just lost contact, we lost touch
the taste of a bitter lie
i won't tell you not to cry
baby, this doesn't mean war
it just means i don't like you anymore

a modern day crusade; the peace raid

The end is all a representation
of how you thought this thing out
the way you acted projected your future
like hope on a big screen TV
your chance to bring fame into your sight
was shot out like your eye with a BB gun
and now you feel deceived and i don't feel believed
and shotguns in the hands of the townspeople
shooting anyone they don't like
trying to slap a label on the bypassers
and quarantine the city
the outsiders are being locked in
and they're locking and loading the guns
and putting salvation into the minds of many
this is the righteous thing in God's shame
oh the morbid malice of men who couldn't get it right
they're not saviors but only taking it too literal
page by page there's an inside joke
and on the last one there's your name
but this doesn't mean i won't take you seriously
it's a promise i just can't keep is all it means

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

911, i think we're not gonna work out

i'll either give you
two bullets to put in my head
or two tickets to heaven instead
and which would you pick?
i'm guessing it's the guns
because your hands are shaking
hold the handle upright
and help me end my night
end this pathetic life
you call it
like you made it
like its yours
but you're on fire
and i'm not putting you out
or putting out
i'm through lending my hand
like i need a guilt trip around the world
so everyone can feel it
maybe i'll take you up on it
so the world can you what you are
you're a hurricane, i'm the debris
a walking mess left dead in the streets
end this conversation, start some shit
this is my emergency evacuation plan
let's put it to the test

the nightmare needed a name

Come back to earth
this isn't the first time
this isn't the first planet
you've done this before
settle your score
you're no alien
you're no robot
save a shop
send your money
according to bills
to my beliefs
Under Fire Obviously
another lie
the greatest hoax
you ever will be
now baby forget it
just go to sleep

memphis, it's me

I just can't call this place home
nobody here wants me
a desperate traveler
trying to claim it for his own
you belong somewhere halfway across the world
this isn't changing
baby, it's like this
the same feeling from this kiss
it's the only place i belong
and i wouldn't mind it
if you stayed the night
hang your coat by the door
the first kiss
it has me wanting more
the sound of an angel
through this phone
and it just makes me realize
how much i truly am alone

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

putting the rap in piece of crap

My promise is crystal clear
like conflict diamonds
and your pieces of Jesus
reside in your ride
your ice is melting
and your couture's a dead culture
and my sins are an army
and i'l build them against us
me and you
fuck that
it was a lie
now i'm set to die
it's raining in your eyes
lay me down
give me my crown
king of shittalkers
supposed girl stalker
and that's the end
trade your friends
they'll only let you down

Sunday, May 11, 2008

cinnamon is the season, but we know the reason

Trading lovers for liars
taking cover from the fires
and staying afloat in this concrete
rushing blood through these streets
wash me away with the rain
she's become the broken heart, the new pain
search the mailboxes, find out where my heart is
i've got it tattooed inside too for this
a map of what's to come and what has been
you're dying everyday sweetheart from our fallout
the shelters weren't as strong as we had hoped
the nuclear waste has become our every emotion
i'm hanging on the other line like it's some kind of rope
the kind of hope you sell when you wanna feel real
and you say you're going for gold, but it's just faded copper
and nothing can stop her when she's dead set on making this a living
breaking hearts everyday and staying at bay before the intervention returns
she's been treated for herione, cocaine, and meth
but i should've been there being treated for falling for you so easily
take the Delorean back to the future (we will never have)
stuck between international time zones and forgotten systems
our clocks are rearranging like the smile on my face
become thing the gasp, the exhausted frown of another lie
i'm breathing in deadly words she wasted my way
won't you bring your waist this way, dance for damnation
baby, sweating on dancefloors for salvation
she's the new typo i want to erase
so let's go back before times new roman
let's go back before my life was all a blog
baby, i thought i was yours, but i don't belong
this is it, i'm out, i'll crash into you tomorrow, so long

Thursday, May 8, 2008

elementary doesn't mean anything to me

We're back to playing games
like we're still in school
well i'm not atleast
competing for the hearts of young girls
when you're young yourself
but what you have in height, i have in years
take a little off the top, or her top comes off
and i'm seeing something you may have felt
but you will never have this
my gift to you is a bloody lip
and yours to me is silence
think before you speak
and i'll laugh before i sleep

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

your best lover will be the worst at keeping a secret (once this tryst is over, my wrists are going to hell)

word on the street is
you're talking shit
but what about that rule
snitches and talkers
get stitches and walkers
bad hips, cut lips
and you can't even lift a finger
i had to phone 911 myself
and i left a note by the door
the toughest lessons
can leave you halfway dead
or halfway alive if you learn your place
and i'm just trying to forget
the way you look
the way your face looked like
it was dying to be anywhere else
so the story says anyway
well where are you going today?
my car is scheduled to crash with you
head on, heart off, lights on, conscience off
the same sympathetic fuck you i've screamed for years
she just walked out, totally forgetting her tears
they're laying on the ground behind the door
caution:wet floor, but i'm no janitor
so clean yourself up
8 pm sharp, and i'm feeling pretty dull
she only remembers to feel like this
but to keep her secret safe, she's telling me off
i'm outside of the old house think how new i felt
but now the only feeling i have is the one in my head
the aches and pains of trying to love you
heavy heart attack vs. my new conscience
so long sweetheart, you've gone sour

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

merchant of death (wasting a few hours with you)

I'm hiding behind an iron mask
and a metal shell that let's me tell you
how i feel
I want to save the world
attack of the apathetic cool kids
and revenge of the nerds
it's a war and by god i'm suiting up
my hands can map a million faces
but my heart only knows its way around one
and i'm still dying and choking on the oxygen
of your last words
and i'm an arms dealer selling apologies left and right
but you're not buying me anymore
and i'm stuck on an old shelf with a sign
that says: used goods
feeling like a ghost of something that was never quite real
and you've got me down to the look and feel
the taste and touch of the frown i wear heavily
i'm trying to sleep you by
get through this night one more time
just be alive
live out the feelings
knock out the ceilings
tonight we won't be here for long

another beat to break your back to

The feeling of living a lifelong lie
You can't shake it out
If I jumped out of this speeding car
I swear I could fly
but I'd probably be banned from the sky
and this feeling of insecurity
would be another sin that I can't feel
I'm tired of being told that this is wrong
when it feels right
but the smell is of something rotten
and the skin is never staying fresh
alot like my ideas
this was a dream
houston, we never had a problem