Sunday, May 9, 2010

if they ever make a movie about this, they'd cast Scarlett Johannson as you

So tonight
please take my advice
it doesn't matter if this turns out nice
don't let it get to you, that's your vice
you care too much what they think
you put yourself on ice

the thing about walking on water
is that your heart's on fire
you're just so eager to show
you want them to know that you know

you'd sail the seven seas
but only for publicity
and give the jewels to me
the treasure chest means nothing
nor does the golden ring

so here's to you
for keeping this stage so neat
and the scene is at your feet
your voice shouts out another curse
something in a sad song's verse
but its just another line you stand and deliver
tonight your sheets are where your greed slithers
like a snake, you won't give it a break
you've got no backbone
the blood in your veins is just like a lake

and God only knows
there's no heaven for you
you're just like that serpent
so seductively sneaky
looking for your dues

well this is overdue
i wish i knew
youre like a magician
nothing you do is true
its all an illusion
so in conclusion

the only trick is you

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